Invite to View Cards
I try to offer new and exciting options and would like to tell you about an easy way for your family and friends to view your Wedding.
I will provide you with about a hundred Invite to view cards which we will give to your guests after your ceremony, or if you prefer, you can have them placed at their dining table.
On the front would be a photo of yourselves, from a holiday, your engagement or whatever, and on the back a personalised greeting inviting them to view your wedding highlights on line by scanning the Q.R.Code
In due course they can watch, stream or download, (it’s your choice) your videos of your wedding day.
There is NO EXTRA CHARGE, this is now part of our service, a nice way for family and friends to be able to see and enjoy your Special day.
Would you please email me your photo or send a link to a suitable photo, together with how you want your names spelt, you might prefer nicknames or something that is more personnel.
I will provide you with about a hundred Invite to view cards which we will give to your guests after your ceremony, or if you prefer, you can have them placed at their dining table.
On the front would be a photo of yourselves, from a holiday, your engagement or whatever, and on the back a personalised greeting inviting them to view your wedding highlights on line by scanning the Q.R.Code
In due course they can watch, stream or download, (it’s your choice) your videos of your wedding day.
There is NO EXTRA CHARGE, this is now part of our service, a nice way for family and friends to be able to see and enjoy your Special day.
Would you please email me your photo or send a link to a suitable photo, together with how you want your names spelt, you might prefer nicknames or something that is more personnel.